Jun 29, 2014

Going places with Danielle

after my move to St. Louis, i have been working literally every single day with no day off.
I'm not complaining. I'm just now very appreciative when i have couple hours that i get to go explore.
I met with my little sister Danielle yesterday
and we explored around some rich neighborhood and pretended we were one of those rich kids...haha
we actually looked more like tourists...with our cameras ...
it was a fun night with this girl! 

hope you are having a blast sunday.


Jun 15, 2014

St. Louis / my new place

So this is the FTF: food truck friday!
i met two girls name Yaniel and Meredith.
we tried honey bbq wings and tater tots from a black truck, and it was real good.

i don't think i have told you that i moved to st.louis, mo or not
but this city is my new place.
it has been five days that I've lived here, and so far- i'm liking it.
not gonna lie... I've experienced some culture shock.
it's definitely different from my little town springfield.

i feel blessed to be here. i'm sure i will keep you posted on my life in st. louis!

hope your sunday is filled with blessings and joy!


Jun 2, 2014

Colorado Part III.

his name is pap. he told us so many stories of his life. his stories were very fascinating.
nicole and i enjoyed his company a lot. what a cool homeless grandpa...

i'm glad that nicole and i really made our graduation trip happen.
abbey, va, nicole and i made a list of things that we wanted to do this on our senior year, 
and we actually knocked almost everything!
except we didn't get to sleep over in the library...

we did some wild things... and i'm glad that we were cray enough to do it haha
anyways, on our last couple days in colorado springs, nicole and i walked around the garden of gods.
oh my... this place is amazingly beautiful.

hope you enjoy these images and fall in love with God's creation once again.



Jun 1, 2014

Colorado Part II.

yea that girl you see in every picture is my crazy friend nicole.
she and i walked A LOT that day. 
we will forever remember that night when we missed our bus and walked 4 miles to our motel with blisters and feeling like crap. at least we enjoyed our spring rolls before the walk.
oh, memories.

david was our tour-guide in denver. he brought us out from downtown and took us to the real deal spots. 
many many thanks to david for welcoming us and for our mexican lunch!

make sure to make stop at nicole's blog + david's blog



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